Big Brother Little Sister Shirts


Welcome your newest sibling into your family with these adorable oversized brother-little sister shirts, perfect for pregnancy reveals or photo opportunities! Professionally screen printed on light gray kids tee and onesie and 100% ring-spun cotton, respectively, for the baby gown. High-quality garments designed to last!

I’m going to be a big brother.

As your new sibling joins your family, this book can help big kids prepare for their role as big brothers or sisters. It demonstrates fun ways that older siblings can help and play with younger ones, as well as sharing things like pizza! Kids will quickly identify with this charming tale featuring beloved Mercer Mayer Little Critter welcoming his or her baby sister into this world.

There are plenty of books about extensive brother/little sister relationships that address older sibling worries, but this one stands out with its unique spirit and flair that will encourage kids to embrace their role within the family. From reading to their Little ones to playing together or just sharing thoughts – this book provides Bigs with an excellent opportunity to start sharing their world with one of their future best friends!

I’m going to be a big sister.

Siblings may drive you nuts at times, but they’re family. They have seen your best and worst moments yet still love you unconditionally. Show them that you care by making time for them and showing your support at important events such as tests or awards ceremonies – make sure to attend these occasions and show up to show your love!

Becoming a big sister can be a fantastic journey for any child. Ashley Mouton brings experience as she guides siblings through this transitional period and all its implications. In this book, Ashley provides tips for preparing for the baby’s arrival and how to be an exceptional older sibling, making this book essential reading for anyone soon-to-be big sister! Available now on Amazon.