Never Never Plant


Never plant, commonly called Ctenanthe setosa, is an attractive houseplant with easy care requirements and striking foliage that compliments many interior design styles.

Never plant is tropical and thrives best in temperatures with high humidity and medium to bright indirect lighting; too much direct sunlight may scorch its leaves.


Ctenanthe (Never-Never Plant) is an elegant tropical houseplant with variegated leaves. Native to rainforest conditions, these plants thrive indoors when exposed to appropriate temperatures and humidity conditions, making them a great addition to any home or office since their easy care requirements make them an excellent choice.

These plants thrive in temperatures between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, as extremely high or low temperatures may impede their growth or damage their variegation. Furthermore, high humidity levels must also be maintained by providing ample sunlight or misting them regularly with a spray bottle.

Plants prefer bright, indirect lighting and are sensitive to direct sunlight, which can burn their leaves. In their native rainforest habitat, they grow beneath trees where plenty of dappled sunlight is available. Without sufficient lighting sources available to them, brown leaf tips could develop and further hinder growth.

The Never-Never Plant thrives in humid conditions but can also survive indoors if placed in direct sunlight and misted frequently with a spray bottle. They prefer average-draining soil rich with organic matter – most pre-mixed household potting soil is suitable, although adding some perlite can help avoid waterlogging issues.

Water your Never-Never plant only when the top 1.5-2 inches of the soil have wholly drained away, as overwatering is a common mistake among new plant owners and can lead to root rot – which looks terrible and can kill your plant altogether!

Filtered or distilled water, as well as captured rainwater, is preferred when watering Never-Never plants to reduce the likelihood of fluoride and chlorine buildup, causing its leaves to turn brown and cause irritation to your plant. If this happens, report your Never-Never into a clean pot with well-draining soil before providing indirect lighting until new roots form.


The never-never plant is an ideal houseplant that thrives indoors. To succeed, this tropical variety requires moderately bright light and warm air temperatures for best results. Although some forms can survive harsh direct sunlight conditions, direct sun rays tend to damage their leaves and stems quickly.

Maintaining the health of a never-never plant requires keeping its soil consistent in moisture levels. Avoid soggy conditions as this may lead to root rot; water your plant only when the top 1.5-2 inches feel dry; many use soil moisture meters for this purpose.

Or you can place a pebble tray filled with water beneath your plants or group them in one room to increase humidity levels and help prevent botrytis (grey mold) typical among houseplants. This may help avoid botrytis occurring.

As part of the prayer plant family (Ctenanthe), this tropical variety is best known for its maroon to purple undersides on its leaves, making an eye-catching accent piece in any home or office space. Growing to around 3′ tall, the flower produces a statement wherever placed.

As with other Ctenanthe plants, they never require a well-draining soil mix for healthy development. Standard potting soil works fine, but adding organic materials like peat moss or coconut coir may help retain moisture and increase drainage.

If the foliage of your never-never plant starts to curl or sag, this could be a telltale sign that something may be amiss with its environment. Perhaps more indirect light is necessary or has not received adequate hydration.

Repotting is often necessary when issues with never-never plants arise, especially as their roots may start crowding out the soil in older pots. Report by going up just one size at a time to allow their hearts to expand and flourish.


Ctenanthe is a tropical plant native to rainforests that thrives when exposed to warm temperatures and plenty of indirect lighting. While it can be grown indoors without difficulty as a houseplant, its best use lies as a seasonal garden plant in warmer regions like Florida or southern California.

To keep your Never Never Plant looking its best, provide it with bright indirect light punctuated by spurts of direct sun. While very bright sunlight may work for some plants, too much may scorch delicate leaves and cause them to fade more rapidly than desired.

Never plants thrive when placed near east and north-facing windows, as well as shaded south-facing locations offering indirect sunlight. If a sunny spot presents itself, use sheer curtains or move the plant away from its current position to reduce direct exposure.

Never Plants can grow in most household soils, though more prosperous, better-draining mixes will help them flourish more rapidly. Check the ground regularly and water it appropriately to maintain optimal moisture levels without sogginess. Remember to water these plants little and often; they dry out quite rapidly, so standing water should not sit around too long before it evaporates or drains off again.

Consider using glazed or ceramic pots that drain correctly for best results, avoiding unglazed clay pots, which wick away soil moisture and cause problems for your Never Never plant. When its roots crowd the container, consider repotting with fresh soil as soon as they start outgrowing the existing container; new pots should accommodate them easily.

If your Never Never plant starts losing its signature color patterns, this could be a telltale sign of insufficient sunlight or dense soil conditions. Move it to a brighter location and water it regularly but infrequently to keep the soil evenly moist while misting occasionally (essential for tropical plants like this one) to maintain medium humidity levels. Incorporating balanced houseplant fertilizer diluted half strength once monthly into its water source in spring and summer will keep its beauty alive. At the same time, feedings may need to decrease during fall and winter.


Ctenanthe setosa tropical plant can tolerate cooler temperatures well yet should be protected from cold conditions. To do this, place it in a well-insulated location or bring it indoors during fall and winter months; Never. Never plants are susceptible to frost and may begin showing signs of stress from exposure.

Similar to its rainforest home, this unique houseplant thrives when exposed to indirect light from the sun. Direct sun can cause its silver-green leaves to fade quickly. Furthermore, this species does not tolerate hot or cold environments well, so avoid any drafty areas for best results.

Due to its humidity requirements, this plant requires consistently moist soil. Make sure the pot has adequate drainage to avoid overwatering.

Watering this plant correctly means avoiding high concentrations of chlorine or fluoride from tap water, which can cause brown leaf tips and other damage to its leaves. For optimal results, consider using filtered or distilled water, captured rainwater, or greywater to provide the plants with clean drinking water.

Never plants are generally resistant to insects and diseases, though mealybugs and spider mites may become problematic. An insecticidal spray will help eliminate these pests.

Never plants must be fertilized regularly to promote healthy growth and encourage full blooming. A water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half strength works well when feeding these houseplants; follow the directions on its packaging when applying it to their soil each month during spring and summer; avoid fertilizing during dormancy periods such as winter. Apart from fertilization, plants never require any other maintenance tasks or care, so they make a great addition to any home decor if cared for properly!