Game of Thrones Family Tree


Game of Thrones fans know all too well the complexity of Westeros houses’ family trees, making keeping track of all relationships and alliances between characters difficult.

Catelyn Tully was the mother of all Stark children killed at the Red Wedding; Lyanna married Jon Arryn, while Petyr Baelish died.

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House Stark is one of the most well-known families in Game of Thrones, known for their symbolic sigil of a grey dire wolf against a white background to represent strength and courage. Many members have died, but their descendants defend their homeland and honor in battles for survival and recognition.

As a fan of Game of Thrones, it can be challenging to keep up with all the relationships among its characters. That is why a Game of Thrones family tree can be so helpful: this will allow you to keep track of who’s related to whom while also understanding significant events within the storyline.

The Stark family, located at Winterfell, is one of the oldest houses in Westeros and was first featured on television with Ned Stark (Sean Bean) as its head. His character served as Lord Eddard and Lady Catelyn’s eldest son and heir, but unfortunately was killed at Red Wedding by Freys and Boltons; nevertheless, his widow Sansa continued defending their home alongside brother Bran.

Ned Stark was a devoted husband and father who loved his family deeply; unfortunately, he could not keep pace with Ramsay Bolton’s betrayal in the south and was ultimately executed during the Battle of Bastards by Ramsay Bolton but left behind an inheritance of Stark legacy for Arya, Sansa and Bran Stark to continue.

Lord Rickard Stark (known as “the Old Man of the North”) was essential to Arya and Sansa Stark’s family tree. He fathered Brandon, who Mad King Aerys II Targaryen later killed; Rickard also had Gendry, who would eventually become legitimized by Daenerys Targaryen.

House of Stark is home to many notable families and individuals; among these outstanding members stands Olena Tyrell (Diana Rigg). A master manipulator and critical figure in the war for the Iron Throne, Olena Tyrell, plays an instrumental role in this conflict.

An intriguing component of Game of Thrones family trees is their connection between Starks and Baratheon. Robbert Baratheon was initially the King of Westeros at the start of the show but quickly lost power due to various acts of treason he committed against Daenerys Targaryen – leading him down a path that included numerous mistresses and having many illegal children who later received legitimization through Daenerys’ legitimizing power – thus cementing their connection between these houses and House of Dragons!


The house of Targaryen has long dominated Westeros. Their ancient lineage and unique bond with dragons allowed them to conquer and rule all seven Kingdoms, eventually dissolving into competing factions that eventually led to a civil war known as The Dance of Dragons, ultimately resulting in its demise.

Daenerys, Rhaegar, and Viserys played significant roles in Game of Thrones as the current House of Targaryen progenitors. Jon Snow, Cersei Lannister, and Jaime Lannister are descendants of Aerys II (commonly referred to as Mad King).

Aerys Targaryen was the son of Aegon I Targaryen and Rhaenyra. He became the heir to their house until his mysterious fire at age 33, after which Viserys, his youngest daughter, married into Dothraki society and bore Rhaegar; Viserion and Drogon took control.

After Aerys’s death, the Targaryens struggled to maintain their position in the world. Aerys III proved an abusive despot with hallucinations who used his power and insulted the significant families of the Seven Kingdoms – leading directly to war, which ultimately resulted in his overthrow and eventual demise.

One of the more fascinating aspects of the Targaryen family tree can be found in its relationships with other families found within Game of Thrones. Joffrey Baratheon is married into their family tree through marriage; many fans speculate that Gendry could be Robbert instead of Cersei’s son.

Though keeping track of all of the characters from Game of Thrones can sometimes be confusing, there are tools available that can assist with keeping track of who’s related to whom. One such tool is EdrawMax, which offers users a free way to create family trees online or offline.

Family trees provide a powerful tool for understanding the intricate relationships among characters in Game of Thrones. A family tree helps you know which characters belong to which families, who is related to whom, weddings and deaths; plus, it simplifies following its story! You can download it for free from the EdrawMax website – once installed, you can quickly begin creating your family tree with trusted tools to ensure the accuracy of the information provided.


House Baratheon may not be one of the more powerful houses in Game of Thrones, yet they play an essential part. Established by Orys Baratheon – a legendary warrior – and bearing his sigil, a crown stag, its motto “Ours is the Fury,” Baratheons are known for their strength, fierce temper, and devotion to family and friends.

As shown by this show, many members of this family have died due to their actions or those of opposing factions; others were murdered outright, while still others have been sexually violated by others on both sides. While viewers may dislike its violent content, violence remains essential to its narrative.

The Baratheon family tree is intricate and includes many children born out of wedlock due to King Aegon Targaryen’s decision to legitimize all of his children with various mistresses, thus igniting five generations of warfare over Westeros’ throne.

Robert Baratheon of this house famously overthrew the Targaryen dynasty during Robert’s Rebellion, known today. His three brothers, Stannis, Renly, and Mace, actively participated in this rebellion – Joffrey is considered their descendant; Tommen is their youngest.

There are also branches of the family created through marriage or having children without wedlock, such as Blackfyres – an unlegitimate house sanctioned by King Aegon, with members including Lannisters and Tyrells who oppose the Starks.

Family trees in Game of Thrones provide a helpful way to keep track of relationships, yet it can sometimes be hard to remember all their intricate details if watching an entire series marathon. Reading a comprehensive family tree can take hours, but focusing on key characters from each house is wiser to help better understand and follow the story. By doing this, it will make things much simpler for both of you! We’ve done everything possible to simplify things, including compiling a list of some of the key members from each house in Game of Thrones that will help get your family tree underway. Maryon provides these and other fanart related to Game of Thrones on her website. See more of her work at DeviantArt – her creations are both beautiful and complex, providing insight into the history of this epic fantasy series. In addition to that timeline, you can also get more info on its kingdom!